Tuesday, August 01, 2006

"Secret" Poem

25 soldiers marching in pairs.

Marching with
pretty bows in their hairs;
onto the field with the sun all aglow,
nothing at all like GI Joe;
they stop for a drink at the well on the knoll,
hoping they don't fall into the hole,
still wondering who in their group is the mole.


Ronnie said...

This poem is actually a complicated puzzle. See if yall can figure out the answer. If so, you may have a future in alchemy.

Kim said...

So that's how you really feel, huh?

be said...

Did you actually write that? I mean, I have no idea what it means, still (unless it's really about Kim braiding your chest hair), but I'm impressed by your rhythm.

Ronnie said...

Just as the saying goes, you're missing the forest because of all the trees, I'd say that you're missing the letters because of all the words.

Anonymous said...

I figured this out like a banshee

Kim said...

B, I resent that comment. For the record, I officially have nothing to do with Ronnie's chest hair.

Ronnie said...

Oh, so you don't want anything to do with my braiding my chest hair, but you're all about waxing it. I see no difference.

Kim said...

Only I would be doing society a favor by waxing it. That's the difference. And I never said that I personally would wax it... I think I would leave that up to Camille and I would be an innocent bystander.

kel said...

Does it have to do with "Months"? Maybe that's lame, but it's what the first letter of each line spells... though I don't see how it really fits with the poem.

Ronnie said...

Oh my!! Kelly, you're right on target. Bryant, maybe you should think about letting her in on our little secret. She could be valuable to us.

Anonymous said...

100 gold rings

Russ said...

3 French hens?