Thursday, December 22, 2005

Crazy Idea of the Week

So, I haven't shaved in a couple weeks. I think I might grow my beard out until I kiss a girl. And by that I mean I'm going to be auditioning for the part of Brigham Young next time I'm in Utah.


Kim said...

and by that I mean...
ha ha love it.

Russ said...

I think a better idea would be stop wearing one article of clothing for every week that you don't kiss a girl. There are several benefits to this option.

#1) The longer it goes, the more naked (and therefore more likely to get kissed) you become.

#2) Instead of auditioning for Brother Brigham, you could be the Naked Indian.

#3) If things don't work out, you can claim old man status a little bit early, thus relieving you of ever having to wear pants again. (I can't wait to be an old man).

I'm sure there are plenty of other reasons why my idea is a good one, but right now it's too late to think of any.

Sorry this comment is so long.