Saturday, November 26, 2005

Bottom 10

Ten things I hate.

1. Turning the light on when I wake up.
2. People talking to me when I've just woken up.
3. Going to sleep when I'm hot.
4. When I have to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night.
5. When I wake up in the middle of the night and my pillow is on the floor.
6. Getting up to turn the light off so I can sleep after I've been reading in my bed (I've tried to use the "force" to turn the light off in this situation more times than I can count).
7. Having to change my early morning routine because of someone else.
8. When I get in the car with the person I carpool with and the radio is on too loud.
9. When I get in the car with the person I carpool with and he talks to me too much.
10. Clutter.


be said...

Did you know that 7 / 10 things that you hate are about sleeping? Maybe you should just stop sleeping and you're life would improve.

the narrator said...

did all these happen in a single morning this week?

Jason said...

Sorry about the clutter

Russ said...

11. Staying up ALL NIGHT to write a paper, only to "wake up" the next day to start a new one. Not that I would know, of course, since I never procrastinate.

be said...

Crap! I just saw that I used "you're" instead of "your"! I'm so dumb! I don't know if I'll ever be able to correct anyone's "bishop" again.

Ronnie said...

Actually #8 and #9 have to do with sleeping too because the reason I hate him talking to me and having the radio too loud is because I have just woke up. These have never all happened in the same morning, but they do all occur during any given week. Jason, I knew you were going to say that...perfect.

Unknown said...

You don't need "the force" to turn off the light, and you don't even need to yell. I've had previous roommates and some neighbors who called someone in another room on their cell phone to make such a request. So you don't really need anything special...well, you do need a cell phone.