Friday, April 21, 2006

Easter Psycho

Monday morning I woke up early and headed out to a few large supermarkets where I bought $20 of discount leftover Easter candy. I've always had a love for Cadbury Cream Eggs and have never understood why they don't sell those things all year long. I bought 15 of them on Monday in addition to my other chocolate booty.

Anyway, in the course of eating my second chocolate Easter Bunny this week (and by that I mean this day) I realized that I always feel compeled to eat the head first. In fact, I get some sort of twisted satisfaction out of biting off the bunny's head. I'm kind of worried that one day I'll have a child (I realize that's quite a presumption) with a pet bunny and I'll bite its head off (the bunny's, not my child's). Should I be seeking professional help?


Kim said...

Two comments...
1) You'll never come near my kids

2)My shrink didn't help much. Good luck.

Lauren said...

I think this confirms our agreement that you should date Stefani and just be online-friend-sluts with me.

Yeah, I feel good about that.

Ronnie said...

I don't think that comment had anything to do with my post. I think you just wanted to say 'slut'. I'm glad you feel good, though. As Tennyson said, "Tis better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all."

Kim, all girls need shrinks.

bec said...

I think everyone should see a shrink at some point in their life just for the experience. Now is as good a time as any.

Anonymous said...

I've been with you all along Ronnie, can't you feel my presence?

chrishley said...

Was that Tennyson that said that?