Sunday, June 25, 2006

Back to the Blogging Blasics

I haven't blogged in a long, long, long, time. Many of my loyal fans have even commented to me on the fact that they miss my blogs. For the past few days I've been trying to think of something to blog about but have drawn a blank. I think that's because it's been so long that I just need to get back to my roots and start from the beginning. By that I mean I need to write a "My First Blog Post" to get back on track...Mack.

Everyone knows that there are essential ingredients to every first blog post. I've done extensive research on ProvoPlatinum to find the common threads. For example, every first post contains:
Obligatory apology for not being good since it's the first post
Must start by saying "This is my first post"
Possibly you tell everyone your name (as if anyone who's reading it doesn't know already)
Something to the effect of "I hope this works"
A shout-out to your blogging guru (aka the person who introduced you to blogging)

Of course sometimes you come across something random for a first post. Bryant's first post says "Hi are you. I'm building a web page
." I'm not sure, but I think that's my favorite first post ever. I was going to actually write a "first post" but now I'm bored so I'm done. Maybe I've just lost the blogging gift.


Lauren said...

Ronnie, no one appreciates blogging right now. My blogs are stupid and no one ever comments on them, but this one of yours was actually pretty funny and STILL no one said anything. Sad days. I support you though, sunshine.

be said...

I'm sorry I didn't comment. Sometimes I get in trouble in real life, too, when someone tells me something and all I have to say about it is "ok". So here's my comment:
This did contain of the requirements for a first post, even if only in outline format. So, this counts as a first post and you're required to keep blogging. Again.

Ronnie said...

Jackal, your blogs are not stupid. These are just dark days in the blogging world. The prophet, Amos prophecied of this day when he said, "I will send a famine in the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of blogging and commenting."

Bryant, I sense some double-entendre. And I'll get back to you soon about the email you and Tyler sent me...I'm still thinking about it even though I doubt I'll reach an answer till I take my class in Insurance in a few months.

Aaron said...

Ronnie, you've pointed out something very important to me. According to the common standards for a first post, I've never done a real first post. It pretty much means I've been living a lie.

Kim said...

You were probably looking at my blog when you wrote that post. I think I did every single one of those things.
Also, lack of comments really is a big problem these days. I am as guilty as any though.

bec said...

I feel like I need to comment just so I don't fall into the group of non-commentors that are causing a lull in the blogging world. And I don't think you've lost your blogging gift.

bec said...

and I forgot to mention that your new template is much better. good choice

Paul Smart said...
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Paul Smart said...

I am ridiculously good at fantasy baseball.

chrishley said...

I second everything Becca said. Miss you, Ronnie!

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