Sunday, July 16, 2006

Like a Banshee

Tonight I decided that the coolest thing to say after anything is "like a banshee." I didn't invent this phrase but I'm taking it over as my own. For example, you go up to someone and say "It's hot like a banshee," or "I'm going to blog like a banshee." Really I have no idea what banshees are apart from their role in Darby O'Gill and the Little People but now I love banshees like a banshee.


Kim said...

And I was the first that he ever used it on. I am famous.

kel said...

Uh Kim, I believe you meant to say "I am famous like a banshee," right?

Kim said...

Yes. Thanks for correcting me on that, Kelly. And today I was sweating like a banshee.

James said...

It turns out banshees were mythical women who would wail at people's funerals, so I'm not sure ( they have as universal simile application as you may have thought. I think it would be apt to say scream, wail or shriek like a banshee though. Just a little FYI.

be said...

Your mom wails like a banshee.

kel said...

BAH!! That was a beautiful 'your mom' joke. Just beautiful.

Ronnie said...

Uhhh..well, I actually knew that about banshees. It doesn't dissuade me at all from using that phrase.