Thursday, December 29, 2005

I Love LA

So, today I drove to Northern Louisiana and back with my brothers to go to an Open House for a friend who just got married. I saw the following along the way:

-A double-wide trailer home that doubled as both City Hall and Police HQ in Winnsboro, Louisiana (pronounced Winsbra).
-Somewhere in the middle of nowhere, a huge billboard that said, "Chuck Norris. Attorney. 'I help injured people'." As we passed that one, I thought to myself, "Chuck, of course you help injured people. That's what Walker, Texas Ranger does."
-A sign in front of a little stand off the highway in plain view that said, "We buy and sell crack." I don't know what that means. I'm just telling you what I saw. Underneath that sign was another sign that said, "Fresh Pecans." That was in Vidalia, Louisiana.


be said...

Wow, is there anything that Chuck Norris can't do?

Aaron said...

Umm act?

Russ said...

This was a 5-laugh post. Four for the actual post and one for the acting comment.

It's also nice to see that Chuck is running a racket down south, injuring people and then helping them.

In related news, Chuck Norris's chief export is pain.

Paul Smart said...

I love LA too, but the other one. I just hope it isn't washed into the ocean by the time I get back there.

Anonymous said...

i love LAie