Friday, July 15, 2005

Easter Comes Earlier Every Year

Yesterday I went to the mall with Jason in hopes of getting a shirt or two since I hate all my clothes and I'm tired of wearing the same six or seven shirts I own every week again and again. The only variety I have is that I can sometimes switch up the order. Anyway, we went to the mall and I came away empty handed (This has happened now the last three times I've been to the mall). I just cannot stand the current styles in mens fashion. I would think that I'm just old, but I don't think I ever see anyone wearing any of these clothes either. The two biggest problems I saw were that either the sleeves were too short or they came in Easter colors. I felt like I was in Willy Wonka's factory with all the crazy colors that abounded. I mean, who wears a neon light blue shirt with pink stripes? So, I guess my question is, am I the only person who can't find mens clothes or am I just a fashion dud?


Anonymous said...

You should try Ross Dress for Less. It's way better than the mall. Plus they have pillows and frying pans and stuff too.

Anonymous said...

I bet you'd look good in pink. It'd get you in touch with your feminine side.