Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Innocence Lost

There are several times in our lives when our eyes are opened to the world a little faster than we are ready for. We learn things that all of a sudden make the world a much meaner, colder, and scary place. We feel a little bit more vulnerable. A few examples from my life are when I learned that there was no Santa, when I watched that gross video in 7th grade Health Class called "The Miracle of Life" (because of which I decided to never be in the delivery room when my wife has a baby), and when I went on my first date.
Recently, I learned something that most people probably already knew, but I just hadn't thought about it. I discovered this dark secret during my daily perusal of and saw an article about the passage of a bill that would lengthen Daylight Savings by one month. Now, I had always been under the impression that Daylight Savings was a matter of scientific fact, a Law if you will. I was just so shocked that Congress could just change it at their whim. And the reason for this change was just to save energy. Like I said, this probably wasn't a shock to anyone else, but I'm scared to think of where Congress will stop now that I know they have these broad powers. Maybe they'll have two Christmas's to boost the economy in the summer and the winter. Or maybe they'll make Saturday disappear. To what ends could they go? Why didn't anyone try to stop them from changing Daylight Savings? I'm feeling scared... and alone...


Paul Smart said...

I didn't make it past your comment about "The Miracle of Life." The memory of it made me vomit in my mouth.

Anonymous said...

Ok. That's just sick.