Monday, December 26, 2005

The Monkey on My Back

Today I spent three hours in Barnes and Noble just trying to figure out how to spend the $35 gift card I got for Christmas. Normally, this would be a joyous three hours, but was pure stress. You see, for the past three years or so I've been wanting to read The Iliad by Homer. However, for three years, this epic has scared me away. You see, to me, the greatest sign of weakness is to start a book and then not finish it. (This has only happened once in my life). So I fear buying books that are either super-long or super-difficult because I don't want to be defeated by the book. Today, however, after three hours of pumping myself up, I bought The Iliad, along with Candide by Voltaire and The Plague by Albert Camus (upon recommendation by my newest friend). I think I'm going to start The Iliad tonight so wish me luck.


Stefani said...

Good call on Camus. I think you should read that after The Iliad as your reward for finishing. It can be like your prize to yourself. Or you can pretend it was from me.

Kim said...

Ronnie, I am not going to lie to you. When I saw the title of you blog, I thought you were going to be talking about how your back hair is in the formation of a monkey. I must admit, I am rather relieved that it has nothing to do that. But since you like to dictate what I blog, I think its my turn to dictate something. We're going to wax your chest hair next time we see you.

Ronnie said...


Stefani said...

When I read the name of you blog I thought for sure you were writing about Curious George.

be said...

Do they sell monkeys at Barnes and Noble? Why didn't you just buy one of those?

Russ said...

Barnum and Bailey, not Barnes and Noble. And you can buy monkeys or my personal favorite, carnies.