Monday, January 23, 2006

Bryant Appreciation Week

Bryant gave me the most money, so he has earned the right to be appreciated this week. His donation of $.05 has been deposited into my offshore bank account in the Virgin Islands specifically created as the "Appreciation Week Account."
It is fitting that Bryant has decided to express his feelings more to others last week so let's do the same for him. (Except in my case, because I don't have any feelings) So everyone must start their comments to my post with these words, "I love Bryant because..." and then you may fill in the blank. The only rule is that you must use the word "love" or your post will be baleeted.
Have a Happy BAW.


Russ said...

I'm uncomfortable with the word "love". Couldn't we instead start our sentences like, "I have no feelings because..." While that might not be a fitting tribute to Bryant, it sure would make it easier to comment.

Stefani said...

I luv Bryant because he has a cute smile! I also luv him because he still wants to be my friend even after seeing me with my retainer.

(P.S. Russ you can avoid using love by replacing it with luv. I find that it is a good substitute.)

bec said...

I love Bryant because he's the one that connects all our blogs together and makes us one big blogging family. And I love Bryant because sometimes he spills his guts to his friends in his blogs. And I love Bryant because he paid Ronnie 5 cents and that was funny. And I love Bryant because he convinced me how great gmail is. And I love Bryant for forgiving me when I haven't been a nice friend. And I love Bryant because one time he invited me to come over to unknowingly sit on Ronnie who was inside the couch, which was hilarious. And I love Bryant because he always lets me spill my guts to him. And I love Bryant because he has cool curly hair. And I love Bryant because I can write all these things about why I love him without feeling like I'm being weird.

And I have to add that I'm surprised Ronnie even allows the word love on his blog, much less requests the use of it. So hopefully it doesn't take away from Bryant appreciation week if I say that I love Ronnie for doing that.

be said...

Wow. I might [that word] everyone for saying nice things. You guys are great. (But [that word] still creeps me out.)

vox said...

ummm..... Becca took all mine! Wait...
well due to request from B, I'm not going to use that "l word", and because I "l word" him so much, I'm going to respect his feelings and not use the "l word". Does that mean I'm gonna get baleeted?
So anyway, Bryant, you're the coolest. We should have a whole Month dedicated to you. Bryant Appreciation Month. Cause we'll probably run out of time before we run out of reasons to appreciate you!

Ronnie said...

I respect Bryant because he went to Atlanta with a Mohawk.