Monday, January 16, 2006

Stefani Appreciation Week

This week we have the honor of honoring one of our favorite people, Stefani Ward. She will be the first in a series of many who we will have a chance to extol. What do you do for someone during their Appreciation Week? I don't know. I don't have all the answers, I just supply the questions. I suggest that everyone comments on this post their pledges of what they will do to outwardly show Stefani their appreciation. But Stefani Appreciation Week can be a time for individual reflection and inner-stuff too. Also, whoever sends me the most money will have the honor of Appreciation Week next week.


Kim said...

Because Stef is near the top of my list of my favorite people ever, this week I pledge to email her daily. I will also buy her a gift that she will be able to receive later when I return to the states. By that I mean, sorry it will be a few months before you get the gift because if I try to mail it, it will probably get stolen in the Ecuadorian mail. Umm...I also pledge to love her forever. Oh and by the way Ronnie, where did you get this idea?

Stefani said...

Wow I feel so honored. I'm speechless. I think a feel a tear coming on.

be said...

I pledge to write a blog about her (kind of) right now.

Ronnie said...

Umm..Camille...I don't think you can leave the Oreos secretely anymore because you just told her.

So far, Bryant has paid me the most money and is in the lead for it to be his week next week.

Russ said...

Actually, I gave you the most money. Just put it on my tab: "Russ owes Ronnie so much + whatever the going price for a week's appreciation is."